string.replace non-ascii characters

Samuel Karl Peterson skpeterson at
Sun Feb 11 23:55:17 EST 2007

Greetings Pythonistas.  I have recently discovered a strange anomoly
with string.replace.  It seemingly, randomly does not deal with
characters of ordinal value > 127.  I ran into this problem while
downloading auction web pages from ebay and trying to replace the
"\xa0" (dec 160, nbsp char in iso-8859-1) in the string I got from
urllib2.  Yet today, all is fine, no problems whatsoever.  Sadly, I
did not save the exact error message, but I believe it was a
ValueError thrown on string.replace and the message was something to
the effect "character value not within range(128).

Some googling seemed to indicate other people have reported similar

Anyone have any enlightening advice for me?

Sam Peterson
skpeterson At nospam
"if programmers were paid to remove code instead of adding it,
software would be much better" -- unknown

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