How to read a binary file into a mysql table

Hans Müller HeinTest at
Fri Dec 14 10:19:41 EST 2007

Good morning folks,

I cannot read a binary file into a mysql database. Everything I tried did not succeed.

What I tried (found from various google lookups...) is this:

con = MySQLdb.connect(to server)
cur = con.cursor()

cur.execute("insert into data values('file1', %s)", (open("test.jpg", "rb").read(), ))

also this doesn't work:

execute("insert into data values('file1', %s), (MySQLdb.escape_string(open("test.jpg", "rb").read()), ))

I always get this:

Warning: Data truncated for column 'file' at row 1

The blob data is actually chopped.

The Table has two columns, char(100), blob

Has someone a working idea how to get binary file into a blob using MySQLdb and python ?!

System is SuSE 10.0 Linux with python 2.5.1, current MySQLdb version, MySQL is: 5.0.26

Thanks a lot!



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