Sub-classing unicode: getting the unicode value

Torsten Bronger bronger at
Sun Dec 30 14:25:26 EST 2007


I sub-classed unicode in an own class called "Excerpt", and now I
try to implement a __unicode__ method.  In this method, I want to
get the actual value of the instance, i.e. the unicode string:

    def __unicode__(self):
        """Returns the Unicode representation of Excerpt.  Note that this is buffered,
        so don't be afraid of calling it many times.

          - Unicode representation of ``self``

        :rtype: unicode
        if not hasattr(self, "__unicode"):
            self.__unicode = super(Excerpt, self).__unicode__()
        return self.__unicode

Unfortunately, unicode objects don't have a __unicode__ method.
However, unicode(super(Excerpt, self)) is also forbidden because
super() allows attribute access only (why by the way?).

How does my object get its own value?


Torsten Bronger, aquisgrana, europa vetus
                                      Jabber ID: bronger at
               (See for further contact info.)

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