Is a "real" C-Python possible?

C. ARA codenemy at
Sun Dec 9 23:01:12 EST 2007

on 12/10/2007 05:14 AM Jack wrote :

> I wonder if it's possible to have a Python that's completely (or at
> least for the most part) implemented in C, just like PHP - I think
> this is where PHP gets its performance advantage. Or maybe I'm wrong
> because the core modules that matter are already in C and those Python
> files are really a think wrapper. Anyhow, if would be ideal if Python
> has performance similar to Java, with both being interpreted languages.

to compare the speed of the two u need a lot of normalization, it is 
completely two different vector quantities --irrational. There is no way 
for an absolute comparison.

both php and python are excellent but each has some application in which 
it defeats the other..

if u want something really fast use assembly.. what??? why are u 
shocked!! you don't want to pay tax ;)

it's a matter of preference and need after all.. don't be misled by all 
the fuss about speed or the mightiness of any programming language they 
are just tools .. u r the secret!!

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