Finite State Machine GUI editor in python?

Hendrik van Rooyen mail at
Sun Dec 16 02:55:45 EST 2007

I have spent some time googling and on wiki and came up with
pyFSA in python. It may end up being useful, but it is not directly
what I am looking for, as there is no GUI that I can see.

I know about SMC, but it is not Python, and I can't find the gui.

This looks good, but it seems to be in a Latin based language
and I am linguistically challenged:

I am looking for a similar front end, going from pretty pictures of 
state diagrams to some sort of state machine descriptor language 
or specification file, and I am not very fussy about the format of 
the output at this stage.

Does anyone know of such an animal that is FOSS? - if written in 
Python it will be a bonus!  

It will also help if its in a language I can understand.  : - (  

- Hendrik

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