new style class

Bruce Coram brucecoram at
Sat Dec 8 18:14:44 EST 2007

Aahz wrote:
> In article <mailman.781.1194004722.13605.python-list at>,
> Nigel Rantor  <wiggly at> wrote:
>> I think what Boris was being exceedingly unhelpful in saying was "why 
>> should it work when you're calling methods that do not exist"
Eric Raymond's advice on how to ask questions the smart way would seem 
to provide an excuse for people with ego control problems to indulge 
themselves at the expense of others.  While it is undoubtedly true that 
there are people who post who should spend more time reading and 
researching the problem, that is no excuse for replies that  are rude, 
hostile or exhibit similar displays of ill-tempered arrogance.  Eric 
Raymond should perhaps re-read his advice and re-draft it to avoid 
providing cover for those 'experts' who are either rude or ignorant - or 
both.   If an 'expert' has time to indulge his/her ego is such an 
intemperate manner then he/she probably doesn't have enough to do, or 
enjoys being rude.  The best response to those who can not be bothered 
to do the necessary work is either no reply or a simple "You would be 
well advised to do some research before asking your question."   We do 
not need to make life any more difficult than it already is.  Civility 
costs nothing.  Eric Raymond's article, which offer's good advice, is 
rather misguided in not only providing an excuse for poor behaviour but 
almost actively encouraging it.  This is a pity since the essence of the 
document is very good advice.

Bruce Coram

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