Distutils help for sub-packages

Rick Muller rpmuller at gmail.com
Mon Dec 3 10:44:48 EST 2007

I need some distutils help. I currently run a python library
(PyQuante) that, until recently, had all of its modules in a single
directory, called "PyQuante". The setup command in my setup.py module
had a single "packages" line:

      packages = ['PyQuante'],

I moved some of the routines into Basis and IO subdirectories of
PyQuante, and amended the packages line to be:

      packages = ['PyQuante','PyQuante.Basis','PyQuante.IO'],

Everything works find if I'm installing from SVN. However, when I
build a tarball via setup.py sdist, the Basis and IO subdirectories
are not included. How can I get the distutils to include this?

Thanks in advance,


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