Block comments

MartinRinehart at MartinRinehart at
Tue Dec 11 13:09:32 EST 2007

Tomorrow is block comment day. I want them to nest. I think the reason
that they don't routinely nest is that it's a lot of trouble to code.
Two questions:

1) Given a start and end location (line position and char index) in an
array of lines of text, how do you Pythonly extract the whole block
comment? (Goal: not to have Bruno accusing me - correctly - of writing
C in Python.)

2) My tokenizer has a bunch of module-level constants including ones
that define block comment starts/ends. Suppose I comment that code
out. This is the situation:

/* start of block comment
end of block comment */

Is this the reason for """?

(If this is a good test of tokenizer smarts, cpp and javac flunked.)

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