sqlite weirdness

Duncan Booth duncan.booth at invalid.invalid
Wed Dec 12 15:52:12 EST 2007

kyosohma at gmail.com wrote:

> So the data us there, but the sql only works part of the time. My SQL
> works if my database is in SQL Server, but not sqlite. Is my SQL
> malformed? Is it something about dates in sqlite? Or is it something
> else?

Your dateworked field seems to have strings rather than dates so the 
expression "dateworked >= '12/31/2006' AND dateworked <= '01/13/2007'" 
as a string comparison isn't going to match any records. Sqllite handles 
data types differently than other SQL databases: read the documentation to 
find out how to store dates, or else store the dates in ISO format 
(YYYY/MM/DD) where string comparisons will give the correct results.

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