Gnu/Linux dialogue boxes in python

Paul Boddie paul at
Sat Dec 8 13:49:38 EST 2007

On 7 Des, 17:43, kyoso... at wrote:
> If you built a GUI with wxPython, it would just use the OS's native
> dialogs unless it didn't have one and then it would use a generic
> dialog. I would think creating a installer with wxPython and threads
> would be fairly trivial.

I'm not convinced that bundling a GUI component with a program which
may have no GUI elements whatsoever is easier than having a
lightweight wrapper around the spawning of a program like kdialog or
Xdialog. Of course, there's some work required in supporting dialog
program variants, mostly because the developers of these programs do
like to extend the interface and add new features and options, but
it's arguably less effort than messing around with "wxPython and
threads" (without considering the additional dependencies).

Of course, not all operating systems bundle a dialog-like program, so
perhaps there'd be a need to duplicate this functionality for some
platforms, as you suggest.


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