TCP reset caused by

Object01 object01 at
Wed Dec 12 18:12:43 EST 2007

> Is this applicable in your case?:
> (closing a nonblocking socket with a nonempty output queue generates a RST)

Based on my stepping through the code, everything passed to
_fileobject.write() makes it out onto the wire just fine.  Now, if the
debugger isn't attached, like I said, it's anybody's guess how much
data gets out before the RST shows up.  I need to delve deeper into
Trac's use of blocking vs. non-blocking sockets.

> Indirectly: if the _sock attribute was the last reference to the real
> socket object (and that's likely the case), assigning anything to _sock
> will decrement its reference count to 0, then becoming a candidate for
> garbage collection.
> --
> Gabriel Genellina

I don't know much about the timing of Python's garbage collection.  Is
it pretty aggressive?

Jeff S.

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