Online documentation split onto many small pages (was: py2exe/distutils: how to include a tree of files?)

Ben Finney bignose+hates-spam at
Sat Aug 25 02:20:12 EDT 2007

Grant Edwards <grante at> writes:

> I don't really understand what the advantage for splitting up
> documentation into screen-sized chunks is supposed to be -- all the
> web browsers I've ever seen can scroll.

The issue is the time to download the page. Most of the world does not
have fast internet access.

> One page per module or chapter sure would make it easier to
> search...

Fortunately online documentation in multiple HTML pages is indexable
by the major search engines; most of those can search within one
domain, or even within one path prefix of a domain.

 \     "Listen: we are here on Earth to fart around. Don't let anybody |
  `\               tell you otherwise."  -- _Timequake_, Kurt Vonnegut |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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