Newbie: List file system roots

kyosohma at kyosohma at
Thu Aug 23 16:09:52 EDT 2007

On Aug 23, 2:48 pm, "Einar W. Høst" <eina... at> wrote:
> Hi,
> How would you list the file system roots in Python? That is, I'm looking
> for a way to list all connected drives (C:, D: etc) on a Windows box, or
> all /root, /tmp etc on a *nix box. In Java, there's a built-in API
> function to do this, File.listRoots(), but I couldn't find any
> equivalents in the Python libraries.
> Kind regards,
> Einar

Looks like the win32 modules save the day again.

from win32com.client import Dispatch
fso = Dispatch('scripting.filesystemobject')
for i in fso.Drives :
    print i

# Mike

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