xlrd question

JYOUNG79 at kc.rr.com JYOUNG79 at kc.rr.com
Fri Aug 3 20:48:56 EDT 2007

Hi John,

Thanks very much for your reply.  And thanks for taking the time to create xlrd...  this is a 
very cool and 
impressive program!!  :-)

I ran your code which gave me this:

>>> import sys, xlrd; print sys.version; print xlrd.__file__
2.3.5 (#1, Jan 30 2006, 13:30:29) 
[GCC 3.3 20030304 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 1819)]

and as far as I can tell, the runxlrd.py file is located here (where I had drug this folder 

Macintosh HD/xlrd-0.6.1/scripts/runxlrd.py

So if I'm understanding this correctly, xlrd only uses the folder you download (xlrd-0.6.1) 
and then moves the 
'__init__.pyc' file to the location mentioned above?  I apologize if I don't sound very intelligent 
with this - I'm 
completely new to Python.

There's definitely no problems or concerns.  :-)    I'm doing a bit of research to see if this 
might be something I 
use down the road at work.  Our I/T department is extremely strict as to what we put on 
employees machines 
so I want to have a good understanding as to where files are installed so I can let i/T know all 
the details.  One 
department in particular that I support uses a lot of Excel macros that I wrote quite awhile 
back.  Unfortunately, 
I've heard that Microsoft is planning on taking VBA out of the next version of Excel on the 
Mac platform.  I don't 
mind converting everything over to AppleScript but  I'm researching other alternatives.  I just 
installed xlrd on 
my home machine last night and was really impressed with the few things I was able to figure 

While I'm talking about Excel, is there any other program (for Python) that can edit Excel 
files?  Will xlrd ever get 
this capability (I believe someone mentioned xlwr on another post)?

Thanks again for replying to my post and thank you very much for sharing your awesome 
program!  :-)


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