Co-developers wanted: document markup language

bambam david at asdf.asdf
Sun Aug 26 20:48:27 EDT 2007

> virtually the only ones that feel the need to rub our nationality into

I'd always assumed (I never spent much time) that Germans were
another culture that had the habit of greeting groups on entrance.

Australians, English, and most of North America just don't have
that habit.


"Wildemar Wildenburger" <wildemar at> wrote in message 
news:mailman.240.1187950454.32294.python-list at
> Torsten Bronger wrote:
>> Hallöchen!
> Yes, you're German. Have you ever noticed that (we) Germans are virtually 
> the only ones that feel the need to rub our nationality into everyones 
> faces? ;)
>> Paul Rubin writes
>>> TeX/LateX have been around forever and are well established
>>> standards, as awful as they are.  Why do we want ANOTHER markup
>>> language?
>> Well, because they are awful.  ;-)  I don't see that there is a
>> bunch of already existing projects, in fact, I don't see anyone
>> challenging LaTeX at all.  However, competition is a good thing, and
>> I think there are enough aspects about LaTeX that can be done better
>> so that this project is worth being done.
> Well there is ConTeXt <URL:>. I've never 
> actually used it, but from reading the docs I deem it a very attractive 
> alternative to LaTeX.
> /W 

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