Need to generate some functions.

J. Robertson jr244 at
Fri Aug 17 10:22:06 EDT 2007

you can use the dictionary returned by the built in function vars, along 
the lines of

 >>> vars()["foo"] = lambda x: 3*x
 >>> foo(2)

but polluting your name space with data counts as bad style and will 
probably bite you at some point -- you probably are better of putting 
closures in a dictionary:

 >>> def mkdict(address):
	def something():
		return {'Address': address, 'Control': "SOME_CONST"}
	return something
 >>> mk = {}
 >>> mk["n1"] = mkdict("n1")
 >>> mk["n1"]()
{'Control': 'SOME_CONST', 'Address': 'n1'}

Steven W. Orr wrote:
> Given a list of names
> ll = ("n1", "n2", "n3", "n4")
> I want to create a pair of functions based off of each name. An example 
> of what I want to happen would look like this:
> def mkn1dict(address):
>     return {'Address': address, 'Control': SOME_CONST}
> def mkn1Classobj(address):
>     return Classobj( mkn1classobj(address) )
> I know how to do this in a preprocessor, but I'd like to do it directly 
> in python. Can this be done?

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