Web based Reporting tool for Python

Jay Loden python at jayloden.com
Tue Aug 7 17:29:00 EDT 2007

Madhu Alagu wrote:
> I am looking template based report tools for python.It has the ability
> to deliver rich content onto the screen, to the printer or into PDF,
> HTML, XLS, CSV and XML files.

As others have mentioned, I don't believe that all of the above is implemented
in a single package. However, Python can most definitely deal with all of the
above formats.

For HTML templating I can highly recommend Clearsilver:
http://www.clearsilver.net/ it's written in C with Python (and other language)
wrappers, is very fast and is also extensible.

For PDF:
ReportLab - http://www.reportlab.org/downloads.html
          - http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-sc6.html?loc=dwmain

4Suite, libxml - http://uche.ogbuji.net/tech/akara/nodes/2003-01-01/python-xslt

For CSV and XML:
csv module, libxml, lxml, ElemenTree modules


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