distutils and development workflow

Brian Blais bblais at bryant.edu
Fri Aug 3 08:50:14 EDT 2007


I was wondering how people organize their projects while they are  
developing, and packaging with distutils.  For example, so many  
python packages let me download, then do "sudo python setup.py  
install" and they are put in the right place.  The developers of  
those packages, however, probably don't have their working copies in  
their /usr/lib/python25/lib/site-packages directory, so where do they  
put them so that they work during development, and they also work  
when packaged with distutils?

So far, I've been hacking the python path (just for me), but it isn't  
portable, so I'd like to learn how I am supposed to do it.


				Brian Blais

Brian Blais
bblais at bryant.edu

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