Problems with dynamic function creation.

Steve Holden steve at
Thu Aug 23 00:00:44 EDT 2007

Peter Otten wrote:
> Steven W. Orr wrote:
> [snip mess]
>> Everything works just fine (that I know of) except 
> Sometimes you have to just fix the code you have. This however doesn't just
> smell funny, it's hopeless. Start with clearly stating your goals and then
> do a rewrite.
> Should you need help again, remember post a self-contained example and an
> actual traceback.
Just in case you don't find Peter's advice particularly constructive, 
please allow me to point out that he is doing you a favor. You will get 
much better advice if you ask this group how to achieve your real ands, 
rather than how to implement a possibly half-baked solution that you 
have already conceived.

In other words (in case an analogy will help), your position is a little 
like that of an amateur shipbuilder who has decided to make his first 
steel ship, and is trying to hold the hull plates together by banging 
nails through two overlapping plates into pieces of wood behind them.

So you are now asking "what kind of nails should I use to keep the hull 
from falling apart?" when you should be asking "what do I need to do to 
hold the hull together?". This latter question could be answered by some 
people who wanted to explain riveting technology to you, whereas others 
could try and show you that welding, while a little more difficult to 
achieve, gave a truly professional result. You could then take your pick 
of the most suitable solutions.

At the moment you appear to be the man with a hammer who is seeing all 
problems as nails.

Steve Holden        +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd 
Skype: holdenweb
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