How to avoid reverse code engineering of a python executable

Ben Finney bignose+hates-spam at
Wed Aug 8 17:47:13 EDT 2007

NicolasG <nicolasg at> writes:

> Now I want to proceed a little bit further asking how can I avoid
> (or at least make it difficult) for some one to extract my code by
> using reverse code engineer techniques?  I came on pyobfuscate but I
> would like more suggestions and guide to achieve the most possible
> security in this matter.

The best possible security is to examine and change the threat model.

Why are you treating the code recipient as the bad guy? In other
words, why do you care whether the recipient reverse engineers the
program? Whatever effort you put into obfuscation, you can't prevent
even a mildly interested attacker from reverse engineering a program
they have in their posession.

 \           "Laugh and the world laughs with you; snore and you sleep |
  `\                                             alone."  -- Anonymous |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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