way to define static method

Eric CHAO lionchao at gmail.com
Wed Aug 22 16:13:30 EDT 2007

Thanks a lot.

Because I found a solution about static method from

And that's a little bit difficult to understand.

# direct, naive approach -- doesn't work...:
class Class1:
   def static1(name):
       print "Hello",name

# ...but now, a call such as:
# will fail with a TypeError, as 'static1' has become
# an unbound-method object, not a plain function.

# This is easy to solve with a simple tiny wrapper:
class Callable:
   def __init__(self, anycallable):
       self.__call__ = anycallable

# toy-example usage:
class Class2:
   def static2(name):
       print "Hi there",name
   static2 = Callable(static2)

# now, a call such as:
# works just fine, and as-expected

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