Launch file from Python

Arnau Sanchez arnau at
Wed Aug 8 15:35:12 EDT 2007

kyosohma at escribió:

> That's just the exit status or run status, if I recall correctly. I
> think 0 (i.e. False) means it didn't run properly and anything else is
> True, or ok. Something like that. 

The other way: 0 means "ok" while everything else means error (at least in 
UNIX). The reason is clear: there is usually only one way to do things well, but 
many to fail :-)

> Technically speaking, you should
> probably switch to using the subprocess module as it is replacing that
> os module's functionality:

Correct, subprocess replaces low-level os.system, os.popen*, os.spawn*, popen* 

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