An error of matrix inversion using NumPy

Dayong Wang wangday at
Wed Apr 4 09:40:30 EDT 2007

Here below is the matrix KK I used:

[[  1939.33617572   -146.94170404      0.              0.              0.
       0.              0.              0.              0.
       0.              0.           -193.69962687   -426.08452381      0.
       0.              0.              0.           1792.39447168]
 [  -146.94170404   5175.33392519   -442.430839        0.              0.
       0.              0.              0.              0.              0.
   -3409.58801135      0.              0.              0.
    -408.90367384      0.              0.           4585.96138215]
 [     0.           -442.430839     4373.33685159      0.              0.
       0.              0.              0.              0.              0.
       0.          -2354.70959362      0.              0.              0.
       0.           -855.36922061   -720.82719836   3930.90601259]
 [     0.              0.              0.          17064.73017917
    -949.49987581      0.              0.              0.              0.
       0.              0.              0.         -16115.23030336      0.
       0.              0.              0.              0.
 [     0.              0.              0.           -949.49987581
   11005.53604312  -1358.01000599      0.              0.              0.
       0.              0.              0.              0.
       0.              0.              0.              0.
 [     0.              0.              0.              0.
   18322.57142994  -1495.29428718      0.              0.              0.
       0.              0.              0.              0.
       0.              0.              0.          15469.26713677]
 [     0.              0.              0.              0.              0.
   -1495.29428718  12497.65812936  -1858.81899672      0.              0.
       0.              0.              0.              0.              0.
   -9143.54484546      0.              0.           9143.54484546]
 [     0.              0.              0.              0.              0.
       0.          -1858.81899672  20170.17739075  -1249.5298217       0.
       0.              0.              0.              0.              0.
       0.         -17061.82857234      0.          17061.82857234]
 [     0.              0.              0.              0.              0.
       0.              0.          -1249.5298217    9476.04289846      0.
       0.              0.              0.              0.              0.
       0.              0.          -8226.51307677   8226.51307677]
 [ -1172.61032101      0.              0.              0.              0.
       0.              0.              0.              0.           1500.8055591
    -328.1952381       0.              0.              0.              0.
       0.              0.              0.          -1172.61032101]
 [     0.          -3409.58801135      0.              0.              0.
       0.              0.              0.              0.           -328.1952381
    4112.15248021   -374.36923077      0.              0.              0.
       0.              0.              0.          -3409.58801135]
 [     0.              0.          -2354.70959362      0.              0.
       0.              0.              0.              0.              0.
    -374.36923077   2729.07882439      0.              0.              0.
       0.              0.              0.          -2354.70959362]
 [  -193.69962687      0.              0.         -16115.23030336      0.
       0.              0.              0.              0.              0.
       0.              0.          17726.91399397  -1417.98406375      0.
       0.              0.              0.         -16308.92993023]
 [  -426.08452381      0.              0.              0.
       0.              0.              0.              0.              0.
       0.              0.          -1417.98406375  12320.46305747
   -1778.36830859      0.              0.              0.
 [     0.           -767.46969697      0.              0.              0.
  -15469.26713677      0.              0.              0.              0.
       0.              0.              0.          -1778.36830859
   19552.18019195  -1537.07504962      0.              0.
 [     0.           -408.90367384      0.              0.              0.
       0.          -9143.54484546      0.              0.              0.
       0.              0.              0.              0.
   12983.70625768  -1894.18268877      0.          -9552.44851929]
 [     0.              0.           -855.36922061      0.              0.
       0.              0.         -17061.82857234      0.              0.
       0.              0.              0.              0.              0.
   -1894.18268877  21039.17951514  -1227.79903343 -17917.19779295]
 [     0.              0.           -720.82719836      0.              0.
       0.              0.              0.          -8226.51307677      0.
       0.              0.              0.              0.              0.
       0.          -1227.79903343  10175.13930856  -8947.34027513]
 [  1792.39447168   4585.96138215   3930.90601259  16115.23030336
    8698.02616132  15469.26713677   9143.54484546  17061.82857234
    8226.51307677  -1172.61032101  -3409.58801135  -2354.70959362
  -16308.92993023  -9124.11068513 -16236.73683374  -9552.44851929
  -17917.19779295  -8947.34027513  85023.67196244]]

On 4/4/07, BJörn Lindqvist <bjourne at> wrote:
> On 4 Apr 2007 06:15:18 -0700, lancered <wangday at> wrote:
> >         During the calculation, I noticed an apparent error of
> > inverion of a 19x19 matrix. Denote this matrix as KK, U=KK^ -1, I
> > found the product of U and KK is not equivalent to unit matrix! This
> > apparently violate the definition of inversion. The inversion is
> > through the function linalg.inv().
> Could it have something to do with floating point accuracy?
> >>> r = matrix([[random.random() * 9999 for x in range(19)] for y in range(19)])
> >>> allclose(linalg.inv(r) * r, identity(19))
> True
> >        So,  can you tell me what goes wrong?  Is this a bug in
> > Numpy.linalg? How to deal with this situation?  If you need, I can
> > post the matrix I used below, but it is so long,so not at the moment.
> Please post it.
> --
> mvh Björn

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