Question About Creating Lists

Scott s_broscious at
Thu Apr 12 19:00:40 EDT 2007

> Please forgo the psychological self analysis from your future posts.

Unfortunately I can't, that's how I am, love it or leave it.  But if your 
going to be condescending about it, please leave your future replies in your 
outbox.  Now don't take that as I don't appreciate your reply.  I just don't 
appreciate the tone of that statement. I wouldn't say something about your 
pseudonym possibly making up for some personal deficiency only because it 
wouldn't be right. Email etiquette is a beautiful thing.

And I'm sorry if you didn't mean it that way, but that's the way it read.

> I don't think your question has anything to do with lists.  Maybe this
> will help: there is a distinction between what are called "literals"
> and "variables".

My question was in fact about lists and their proper "syntax" (I'm guessing 
that's the right word). Basically all I was asking was if I had the idea 
down or not, which was meant to be implied when I wrote: Am I safe in 

Maybe I didn't write it the exact way to get the response I needed, and if 
it read differently I'm sorry. But that's all I was asking. 

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