ANN: NumPy 1.0.2

Travis E. Oliphant oliphant.travis at
Tue Apr 3 19:17:48 EDT 2007

We are pleased to announce the release of NumPy 1.0.2

NumPy is a Python extension that provides a general-purpose 
multi-dimensional array that can act as a container of arbitrary 
raw-data formats (including bools, integers, floats, complex, Python 
objects, string, unicode, and general C-structures).  NumPy also 
provides fast array processing and mathematics on these 
multi-dimensional arrays.  In addition, NumPy provides tools that allows 
these arrays to form the foundation for basic image and signal 
processing, linear algebra and Fourier transforms, and random number 
generation.  NumPy also includes easy integration with ctypes and 
Fortran allowing seamless use of NumPy arrays with extensions written in 
either C/C++ or Fortran.

The new support in NumPy for completely general (including nested 
structure) data-types allows it to be used as a container object for any 
number of applications where memory efficiency and speed are critical. 
  For example, the ability to handle general data-formats means that 
NumPy could be used as an interface to general databases (see PyTables 
for one example).

Get the latest version of NumPy by clicking on the Download link at


-NumPy Developers

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