File Object behavior

Michael Castleton fatuheeva at
Tue Apr 3 18:52:43 EDT 2007

Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
> Michael Castleton a écrit :
>> When I open a csv or txt file with:
>> infile = open(sys.argv[1],'rb').readlines()
>> or 
>> infile = open(sys.argv[1],'rb').read()
>> and then look at the first few lines of the file there is a carriage
>> return
>> + 
>> line feed at the end of each line - \r\n
> Is there any reason you open your text files in binary mode ?
> Unless you're using the csv module (which requires such a mode - but 
> then you don't care since you're not working with the raw data 
> yourself), you should consider opening your files in text mode. This 
> should solve your problem (if not, then you have a problem with 
> universal newlines support in your Python install).
> -- 

No particular reason in this case. It was probably as a holdover from using
the csv module in the past.  I'm wondering though if using binary on very
files (>100Mb) would save any processing time - no conversion to system
What do you think?

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