Custom Python Runtime

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-py2 at
Tue Apr 10 07:35:30 EDT 2007

En Tue, 10 Apr 2007 00:17:33 -0300, Jack <nospam at> escribió:

> 1. One Windows, it's possible to zip all files in a I'm not
> very clear if it's used in the stardard distribution. What can,
> and what can not be put into this file? I suppose zip file will help
> reduce the distribution size.

(Not just on Windows) is always on sys.path, and is searched  
like any other path (using zipimport).
You might in principle put all the standard library there, if you wish.  
py2exe, by example, searches for all dependent modules and puts then all  
in a .zip file.
But zips can only contain .py/.pyc files, not dynamic libraries like  

> 3. Some files go to the Windows\system32 directory, including some  
> win32all
> files. Can they be in the current directory as python.exe?

.dll files? Sure.

> 4. Are the registry entries necessary?

No, but if you have added entries into the PythonPath key, you may need to  
configure your Python search path (using a PYTHONPATH environment variable  
or .pth files).

Gabriel Genellina

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