Python un-plugging the Interpreter

John Nagle nagle at
Tue Apr 24 13:18:30 EDT 2007

Alex Martelli wrote:
> Jorgen Grahn <grahn+nntp at> wrote:
>    ...
>>>Perhaps the current wave of dual-core and quad-core CPUs in cheap
>>>consumer products would change people's perceptions -- I wonder...

> IronPython would appear to be coming along nicely and getting acceptance
> in the Windows community, and I believe the underlying dotNet CLR does
> do threads nicely; we'll see what develops on that front, I guess.

     Thus we now have a demonstration that Python implementations need
not be as slow as CPython.  And that Microsoft is beating open source
on Python.

     Python as a language is in good shape.  But the CPython
implementation is holding back progress.   What we need are better
and faster implementations of the language we've got.

     PyPy, ShedSkin, and Jython all were steps in the right
direction, but none had enough momentum to make it.
Jython hasn't had a release since 2002, ShedSkin is basically
one guy, and the EU pulled the plug on PyPy.

     Now what?

					John Nagle

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