Saving output of Turtle Graphics?

Dick Moores rdm at
Sat Apr 7 07:09:56 EDT 2007

I accidentally stumbled across the Turtle Graphics module ( 
the other day and have been having some fun with it.

Now I'm wondering if there is a way to build into a script the saving 
of each window just before it is cleared. For example, here are a 
couple that I've saved by screen capture:

They were produced by this script:


import turtle as T
from random import *

def twoRndN(low=0, high=1):
     generate two random floats x, y in the range [low, high) such that x <= y
     x, y = uniform(low, high), uniform(low, high)
     if x <= y:
         return x, y
         return y, x

T.setup(width=1000, height=700, startx=0, starty=0)
T.title("Random Triangles with random R,G,B")

colorRange = "all"
if colorRange == "random":
     lowR, highR = twoRndN()
     lowG, highG = twoRndN()
     lowB, highB = twoRndN()

count = 0
for n in range(300):
     wdth = randrange(0,7,3)
     if colorRange == "dark":
         R = uniform(.1, .5)
         G = uniform(.1, .5)
         B = uniform(.1, .5)
     elif colorRange == "pastel":
         R = uniform(.5, .9)
         G = uniform(.5, .9)
         B = uniform(.5, .9)
     elif colorRange == "all":
         R = uniform(0, 1)
         G = uniform(0, 1)
         B = uniform(0, 1)
     # set RGB for one color of your choice
     elif colorRange == "manual":
         R = .45
         G = .2
         B = .2
     elif colorRange == "random":
         R = uniform(lowR, highR)
         G = uniform(lowG, highG)
         B = uniform(lowB, highB)

     # 2 connected lines will fill as a triangle
     for x in range(2):
         coord = (randint(-500,500), randint(-350,350))

     count += 1
     if count > 5:
         clr = randint(0,5)
         if clr == 0:
             count = 0
(The docs for Turtle graphics for Tk are at 

But how could I have saved them "automatically"?

The script as shown will clear (T.clear() -- the 3rd line from the 
bottom) the window after producing 6 to maybe 15 superimposed 
triangles, so clearing will take place maybe 30 times. How can I save 
as images each of the 30 windows just before they are cleared?


Dick Moores

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