redirecting stdout to a file as well as screen

Ant antroy at
Thu Apr 12 03:40:41 EDT 2007

On Apr 12, 8:14 am, "SamG" < at> wrote:
> How could i make, from inside the program, to have the stdout and
> stderr to be printed both to a file as well the terminal(as usual).

One way would be to create a custom class which has the same methods
as the file type, and held a list of file-like objects to write to.

class multicaster(object):
    def __init__(self, filelist):
        self.filelist = filelist

    def write(self, str):
        for f in self.filelist:
    def writelines(self, str_list):

Then assign stdout and stderr to a new instance of one of these

mc = multicaster([sys.stdout, sys.stderr, log_file])
sys.stdout = mc
sys.stderr = mc


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