embeddding Tkinter in C app

marshall marshall44 at home.com
Sun Apr 15 04:22:03 EDT 2007

Trying to embed python/Tkinter app with C backend. All I get is
attribute errors when running the embedded python app from C. Either the
error is basename from th Tkinter module or new instance of Tkinter in
module. Here is the python module

from Tkinter import *
from ARLclasses import GuiMixin
from MLNcommon import Display
from mlnclient import MLNDisplay
from Dialog import Dialog
from ScrolledText import ScrolledText
from normalDate import ND
from commands import *
from socket import *
from ftplib import FTP

import os
import sys,random
import regex
import string
import struct
import select
import time, glob
import Pmw

class DOMI(GuiMixin,MLNDisplay,Display):
    def __init__(self, master=None):
    #Frame.__init__(self, master)
    self.Init_GUI = "Display"
    print self.Init_GUI

    def Init_Display(self,tod,num_ci,num_mlns):
 from Tkinter import *
      from ARLclasses import GuiMixin
 from MLNcommon import Display
 from mlnclient import MLNDisplay
        print "Starting GUI"

    def start_sim(self):

        for self.trk_x,self.trk_y,self.trk_z,self.hdg in


        print "simulated tracks from sim"

    def ownship_loc(self,tod,x,y,Xdot,Ydot):
        self.timeofday = tod
        self.osX = x
        self.osY = y

        print self.timeofday

    def ppi_plot_track(self,trk_id,Xpos,Ypos,Xdot,Ydot):
        self.trkx = Xpos
        self.trky = Ypos

        plot =

class TEST:
    def __init__(self, display=None):
        self.function = "Odell"
    def printer(self):
 print 'Odells ass'

if __name__ == '__main__':  DOMI().mainloop()

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