OO on python real life tutorial?

Patrick Thomson IronSwallow at gmail.com
Sat Sep 2 19:52:49 EDT 2006

> I personally don't like wxPython because the way it works is very
> counter intuitive for me and appear to me somehow non-Pythonic

While Claudio has a point (wxPython is a C++ library at heart), I
believe that wxPython is the best solution for Python GUI's out there.
TK may be a lot easier, but with a little practice wxPython becomes
very clear, and the skills you learn therein will be applicable to
almost any other GUI toolkit out there (Swing and SWT were far, far
easier to learn thanks to my wxPython experience.) After all, GvR said
that "wxPython is the best and most mature cross-platform GUI toolkit,
given a number of constraints. The only reason wxPython isn't the
standard Python GUI toolkit is that Tkinter was there first."

The Wax toolkit (http://zephyrfalcon.org/labs/wax.html) attempts to
solve the problems inherent with wxPython and make it more pythonic.
I've never used it, so I don't know if it succeeds.

> wxPython is like programming in Microsoft Visual Basic or Visual C++ :
> some love it, some don't.

Though that is true, I don't think that the analogy holds up at all.
The power of wxPython lies in its attractiveness across all platforms
and the freedom that it gives you; VB and VC++ lock you in what
Microsoft want you to do. (To be fair, that isn't a Bad Thing by

> > I want to switch to wxpython because I don't like Tk too much. It is
> > difficult sometimes to have full control of the widgets (i.e. focus
> > sequence). Why do you think wxwidget is not suitable for low-medium
> > size projects? Could you give me some practical examples of this?

I respectfully disagree with Grondi's opinions; a list of notable
wxPython projects (http://wiki.wxpython.org/index.cgi/wxPythonPit_Apps)
showcases projects both small and expansive.


Patrick Thomson

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