strange DOM behaviour when using minidom

JoReiners JoReiners at
Mon Sep 11 07:48:25 EDT 2006

Hello, I have a really strange problem. I'm unable to figure it out on
my own.

I parse very simple xml documents, without any check for their form.
These files look very similar and are encoded in UTF-8.

Now minidom is always able to parse these files with
minidom.parse("file") .
Now when fetching I use this expression:

(I know it's not beautiful but convenient. )

It always work, but sometimes it simply fails to fetch any element.
Redoing it from hand in the python console with the same file always

I have no idea what the error is. I compared working and not working
files with the hex editor. I couldn't find any significant change. It's
too strange. If anybody has any clue, hint or anything, please let me

Regards, Jonatan

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