OS X and Python - wxPython has forced a rehash of my approach

metaperl.etc at gmail.com metaperl.etc at gmail.com
Mon Sep 4 18:18:31 EDT 2006

Earlier I asked about how people installed Python on OS X, given that
one can choose from Xcode, Fink, Darwin, ActiveState and source builds:


but before I knew it, I had been sucked in by the ease and vastness of
the Fink repository.

Now my bliss run has come to a full halt due to these instructions at
`wxPython.org <http://www.wxpython.org/download.php>`_

Note to Fink users: Versions of Python installed by Fink cannot run
wxPython (unless you install and run X11...). You need to use Apple's
Framework builds, or a third-party Framework build.

And reading a bit further:

Python 2.4 Framework builds are available for download from the
undefined.org MacPython site. ActiveState also distributes a Framework

So I guess I will look into a Framework build as my starting point.

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