Python Input from keyboard

MonkeeSage MonkeeSage at
Fri Sep 22 18:32:59 EDT 2006

utab wrote:
> I want to read some input continuously from keyboard and then I would
> like to process these input.
> I have a code like this but getting errors, I would like to terminate
> when there is an empty string in the input, why is not this easy as the
> "cin" or "scanf". I had to search for even this easy operation. Is
> there a way to send EOF signal to terminate input(ctrl+??????)

You can send a signal (check the signal module in the docs), but you
can also just do what you wanted:

x = []
y = []
while True:
  msg = 'input x and y values :   '
  uin = raw_input(msg).strip()
  if not uin:
    print 'you have not entered x or y, quiting'
    xt, yt = uin.split(' ', 1)

for i in range(len(x)):
  print x[i]


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