Embedding Python and command history

Stefan Bellon sbellon at sbellon.de
Wed Sep 20 08:59:36 EDT 2006

Stefan Bellon wrote:

> int main(void)
> {
>   Py_Initialize();
>   PyRun_InteractiveLoop(stdin, "<stdin>");
>   Py_Finalize();
> }

> How can I make use of command history when embedded Python via
> PyRun_InteractiveLoop?

Sorry to follow up my own posting ...

I found that when I do "import readline" in this simple example, I have
a working command history. When I do this in my real application, then
I get the following:

>>> import readline
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
ImportError: /usr/lib/python2.4/lib-dynload/readline.so: undefined
symbol: PyExc_IOError

Still experimenting what exactly is causing this.

This application is not linked against libpython. But it loads a shared
object at run time which is linked against libpython and which
contains the call to PyRun_InteractiveLoop. But it looks like this
"plugin" is not enough to make the symbols known to Python. If I add
-lpython2.4 to the linker command when building the main application,
then it works. But this is somewhat against what I was planning to
achieve when using a plugin: independence of the main application from


Stefan Bellon

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