Strange behaviour of 'is'

Ben Finney bignose+hates-spam at
Thu Sep 21 19:19:28 EDT 2006

"Fijoy George" <tofijoy at> writes:

> I am a bit perplexed by the following behaviour of the 'is' comparator

In summary: you are seeing implementation details that the language
specification explicitly allows to vary by implementation.

> My understanding was that every literal is a constructure of an
> object.  Thus, the '2.' in 'x = 2.' and the '2.' in 'x is 2.' are
> different objects.  Therefore, the comparison yields false.

There's no "thus" about it. Any implementation may use the same object
or different objects to represent any two values that are equal. This
allows different optimisations to be performed on different platforms,
without breaking the specified behaviour.

> But my understanding does not explain the result of the second
> comparison.  According to the experiment, y[0] and y[1] are the same
> object!
> Does anyone know an explanation for this?

The explanation is:

Two objects compare *equal* if their '__eq__' method says they are. In
practice, this means their *values* are the same.

Two objects compare *identical* if the 'id()' function says they
are. In practice, this means they are the *same object*.

The relationship between "same object" and "same value" is entirely up
to the implementation to decide, by any simple or complex criteria it
chooses, and there's nothing in the specification that requires it to
be consistent at the program level. This is, among other reasons, to
allow optimisations that don't change the language specification.

No general promise is made about the relationship between those two
comparisons. Don't use them as if they were the same operation,
because the implementation isn't restricted to meet that promise.

 \     "You know what I hate? Indian givers... no, I take that back."  |
  `\                                                    -- Emo Philips |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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