What's up with site.Quitter?

James Stroud jstroud at mbi.ucla.edu
Wed Sep 27 06:59:37 EDT 2006

skip at pobox.com wrote:
>     James> But then again, maybe the consistency I perceive for the rest of
>     James> __builtins__ is more or less illusory. This might have been the
>     James> point of Fredrik's question.
> As I implied in my note, there is a difference between fundamental builtins
> like open and Exception, and convenience builtins like exit and license.  If
> you make that distinction and only really worry about consistency within the
> fundamental builtins I think you'll be on more solid ground.
> Skip

Thank you. I'm glad I'm learning something from what originally felt 
like a silly distraction (writing the syntax colorer generator).


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