
Lawrence D'Oliveiro ldo at geek-central.gen.new_zealand
Sat Sep 23 08:17:00 EDT 2006

Why doesn't MySQLdb provide a function like this:

def QuoteSQL(Str, DoWild) :
    """returns a MySQL string literal which evaluates to Str. Needed
    for those times when MySQLdb's automatic quoting isn't good enough."""
    Result = []
    for Ch in str(Str) :
        if Ch == "\0" :
            Ch = "\\0"
        elif Ch == "\010" :
            Ch = "\\b"
        elif Ch == "\011" :
            Ch = "\\t"
        elif Ch == "\012" :
            Ch = "\\n"
        elif Ch == "\015" :
            Ch = "\\r"
        elif Ch == "\032" :
            Ch = "\\z"
        elif Ch == "'" or Ch == "\"" or Ch == "\\" :
            Ch = "\\" + Ch
        elif DoWild and (Ch == "%" or Ch == "_") :
            Ch = "\\" + Ch
        #end if
    #end for
    return "\"" + "".join(Result) + "\""
#end QuoteSQL

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