A Sort Optimization Technique: decorate-sort-dedecorate

Xah Lee xah at xahlee.org
Fri Sep 8 06:56:12 EDT 2006

i just want to make it known that i think most if not all of the
replies in this thread are of not much technical value. They are either
wrong and or misleading, and the perl module mentioned about sorting or
the Java language aspect on sorting, as they are discussed or
represented, are rather stupid.

I may or may not write a detailed account later. If you have specific
questions, or want to know specific reasons of my claims, please don't
hesitate to email. (privately if you deem it proper)

  xah at xahlee.orghttp://xahlee.org/

xahlee at gmail.com wrote:
> Last year, i've posted a tutorial and commentary about Python and
> Perl's sort function. (http://xahlee.org/perl-python/sort_list.html)
> In that article, i discussed a technique known among juvenile Perlers
> as the Schwartzian Transform, which also manifests in Python as its
> “key” optional parameter.
> Here, i give a more detailed account on why and how of this construct.
> This post is archived at:
> http://xahlee.org/perl-python/sort_list.html
> I would be interested in comments about how Common Lisp, Scheme, and
> Haskell deal with the decorate-sort-dedecorate technique. In
> particular, does it manifest in the language itself? If not, how does
> one usually do it in the code? (note: please reply to approprate groups
> if it is of no general interest. Thanks) (am also interested on how
> Perl6 or Python3000 does this, if there are major changes to their sort
> function)
> Thanks.
>   Xah
>   xah at xahlee.org

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