OO on python real life tutorial?

Claudio Grondi claudio.grondi at freenet.de
Fri Sep 1 13:12:40 EDT 2006

filippo wrote:
> Hello,
> I coded my +10k lines app using Perl/Tk. It is something like a hotel
> software manager, it has a bunch of windows to manage the arrivals,
> bills etc etc. I want to port this on Python/WxPython but I'd like to
> get benefit of python, not just doing a row by row raw porting.
> My problem is that I cannot figure out how OO could be useful in my
> case. 
Be warned, that I am a bit biased here and my opinion is probably not 
mainstream, but I think OO won't be useful in your case, so there is no 
reason to learn about it.
A row by row porting will be ok, but if I were you, I would use probably 
Python/Tk for it in order to avoid programming in wxPython if not really 
necessary (wxPython has its strengths with growing project sizes, but 
yours is still far below the threshold).
Consider it that way: if you cannot figure out how OO could be useful, 
just be more self-confident and accept the enlightenment, that it 
probably or even for sure can't.

Claudio Grondi
Is there a OO tutorial out there to help me?
> Thanks,
> Filippo

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