Cheese Shop Registration error

Richard Jones richardjones at
Mon Sep 18 17:57:48 EDT 2006

alefnula at wrote:
> The Key ID that the kgpg shows. I tried to paste the key returned by
> the quiery on the keyserver. but it also doesn't work. I tried
> everything that has any connection with the key, but everything fails.
> By the way the key is: 6A61E3AD

Here is the code that could generate that error message:

                if len(gpgid) != 8:
                    raise FormError, 'GPG key ID is invalid'
                except ValueError:
                    raise FormError, 'GPG key ID is invalid'

So I suspect there might have been some cut-n-paste error. Check that you've
not pasted in any whitespace that could confuse the first test.


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