
Ben Finney bignose+hates-spam at benfinney.id.au
Wed Sep 27 00:44:00 EDT 2006

rick <rickzolun1 at charter.net> writes:

> usage: DelimTOFixedWidth.py <input filename> <output filename> [options]

That's not the command-line argument style that optparse models. It
should be:

    command_name [options] <arg1> <arg2>

In other words, the options (optionally) appear before the non-option
arguments. This is the convention followed by most command-line tools,
and it's what users expect.

There are other command-line parser modules (e.g. argparse), perhaps
you can look to them for different functionality.

 \         "If nature has made any one thing less susceptible than all |
  `\    others of exclusive property, it is the action of the thinking |
_o__)                       power called an idea"  -- Thomas Jefferson |
Ben Finney

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