What is the cleanest way to for a module to access objects from the script that imports it?

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-py at yahoo.com.ar
Fri Oct 27 18:28:48 EDT 2006

At Friday 27/10/2006 18:53, noamsml at gmail.com wrote:

>I am new to python and am currently writing my first application. One
>of the problems I quickly ran into, however, is that python's imports
>are very different from php/C++ includes in the sense that they
>completely wrap the imported script in a module object. One of the
>problems with this was that a plugin system that I am making requires
>use of objects, classes and the such from the original script. Thus, on
>one hand, I am hesitant to use execfile(), since I *do* want to wrap
>the plugin up, but on the other hand, I want the plugin to be able to
>use functions from the original script. Any ideas?

Put the bulk of your "original script" into modules so they are 
easily importable from inside the plugins.
In your application, you can scan the available plugins (using 
os.listdir by example) and import them.
(Of course this is risky so you must trust the plugin developers...)

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 

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