Assertion failure on hotshot.stats.load()

Christophe chris.cavalaria at
Fri Oct 27 04:32:38 EDT 2006

Yang a écrit :
> Note: I realize hotshot is obsoleted by cProfile, but 2.5 breaks
> several packages I depend on. I'm using Python 2.4.3.
> I'm getting an AssertionError on "assert not self._stack" when calling
> hotshot.stats.load() on my app's hotshot profile. The app consistently
> causes hotshot to generate such a problematic profile, but I have no
> idea what's causing it. Anybody know what's wrong?
> Here's the profile:
> Potentially relevant bugs:
> Thanks in advance for any help.

I had the exact same problem as the second bug in an embeded 
application. I solved it by ignoring any function return without a 
corresponding function start in the profiler but I'm sure it can be be 
made more precise.

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