Problem: Python search path - module order

aznach aznach at
Mon Oct 16 13:04:53 EDT 2006


I have a shared hosting account at and have a problem with
the module order of the Python search path.

I'd like to use django's svn trunk instead of the
"Django-0.95-py2.4.egg" provided in site-packages.

The problem is that the "django egg" gets preference over the "django
svn trunk" module I manually added to PYTHONPATH...

Instead of being prepended to the top of sys.path, the "django svn
trunk" module gets inserted AFTER the eggs that are in

I use ~/.bash_profile to set:
export PYTHONPATH="$HOME/local/lib/python:$HOME/django_src"

where "django_src" is the location of django's svn trunk directory

sys.path contains:


importing django form the Python console renders:
>>> import django
>>> django.VERSION
(0, 95, 'post-magic-removal')

Is there a way to give the "django svn trunk" module preference over
the "django egg" (i.e. to have the "django svn trunk" inserted BEFORE
the eggs listed)??

Does anyone know a solution to this problem? Any help would be greatly

Best regards,

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