Handling emails

Ben Finney bignose+hates-spam at benfinney.id.au
Thu Oct 26 18:48:26 EDT 2006

Steve Holden <steve at holdenweb.com> writes:

> Please stop sending messages with obnoxious content like this.

Yes, I guess I should have expected a response like that from someone

> If you insist on telling someone off publicly via a newsgroup, once
> is enough.

Apparently not. I tried initially contacting him privately. Then I
 tried explaining in a (single) message to the list.

> I agree it's a pain, but Fulvio may not have it in his power to
> switch the header off. Mail admins do some incredibly stupid things.

There is always the option to not send messages to this list using
that mail server. I don't care what option is taken, so long as the
useless and obnoxious headers on his messages stop.

 \     Lucifer: "Just sign the Contract, sir, and the Piano is yours." |
  `\     Ray: "Sheesh! This is long! Mind if I sign it now and read it |
_o__)                             later?"  -- http://www.achewood.com/ |
Ben Finney

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