recommendations for personal journaling application

Karsten W. DonQuixoteVonLaMancha at
Sun Oct 8 14:59:24 EDT 2006


Donnie Rhodes wrote:
> So what I'm interested in is how this would work. Is this 'event
> driven' in nature? Would I define the bulk of these slash commands in a
> function and then call it at the end of the script? What would be a
> good module to look at for the text processing and searching aspects?

For implementing the commandline interface, have a look at the getopt

If you store your data in a flat text file, you might use string.find()
or the re module to do the searching. The re module can search case
insensitive and is more versatile.

But maybe you want let your script create some SQL statements and use
the pysqlite module to store and search the data.

Kind regards,

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