Dive Into Java?

jmdeschamps at gmail.com jmdeschamps at gmail.com
Sun Oct 8 21:46:46 EDT 2006

erikcw wrote:
> DiveIntoPython.org was the first book I read on python, and I really
> got a lot out of it.  I need to start learning Java (to maintain a
> project I've inherited), and was wondering if anyone knew of any
> similar books for Java?
> Maybe once I know my way around the language, I can sneak Jython in...
> :-)
> Thanks!
> Erik
Not exactly Dive into Java, but one amongst very great book on
programming (and the one that pointed me to Python :-)) , really! )
-  *Just Java* by Peter van der Linden, really great book! and fun to
read, and bright, and this (apocryphical) citation (i don't have the
book under hand just now, being on vacation ;-)): *...to the question
'Should I learn Java, C++, Perl?'  (the answer is) 'Yes!' ...*
and Python was included among several other OpenSource stuff on the CD.


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