Calling a definition

elake ericlake at
Thu Oct 19 14:43:03 EDT 2006

I have a piece of code that I need some help with. It is supposed (in
my mind at least) take two arguments, a start path and a file
extension. Then when called it should return each of the file paths
that are found matching the criteria. It is only returning the first
file that it finds. What am I doing wrong?

# this is in a file called
def findFileExt(startPath, fileExt):
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(startPath):
        for file in files:
            if file.endswith(fileExt):
                filePath = str(os.path.join(root, file))
                return filePath

# this part is in a different file calling the findFile module
ip_list = findFile.getIpRange(net, start, end)

for ip in ip_list:
    src_path = '\\\\%s\\%s\\' % (ip, start_dir)
    files = findFile.findFileExt(src_path, ext)
    print files

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